Our Club entertains a warm and friendly atmosphere. It is offered to those 50 and older and is classified as a Senior Active Living Center (SALC). The Club is a capital cost facility under the umbrella of the City of North Bay. A Club membership includes association with the Older Adult Centres’ Association of Ontario and offers reduced rates for club activities. You do not have to be a member to take part in activities, and most activities are only a few dollars per week/activity.
The Club is a non-profit organization. It is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and administered by an Office Administrator with the help of many, many volunteers. The Club receives some funding from the Ministry of Seniors’ Affairs, and from the City of North Bay. The City of North Bay also provides help through purchase of service agreements, however most of the Club’s funds come from self-generated membership, and activity fees, donations, as well as our various
fundraising activities.
In 2022, we celebrated our 60th Anniversary of serving seniors in the District of Nipissing, City of North Bay and surrounding areas. In mid 2024 we adopted the “nickname” Club 135 Seniors in Action.
The Beginning:
In the early 1960’s, Robert Babcock looked around himself and saw so many lonely people over 50 years of age, living alone, with no families, few friends and
nowhere to go.
One day, he suggested to his wife, Florence that they should have a party and invite these people. Week after week, eighteen people would come together and they in turn brought friends. The eighteen people were the Golden Age Club Charter Members. After several moves, the club was finally housed in the old Worthington street school. The club had the opportunity to purchase the property through fund raising and the efforts put forth by the members. Caring members recognized the need for affordable seniors’ housing in North Bay and they agreed to sell that property to the then Ontario Housing Authority with an agreement that the club would rent space in the new building for the Centre.
Now, many years later, the North Bay Golden Age Club has an active membership of over 500 men and women. It is a spacious and accessible facility designed with seniors in mind. This allows the members a chance to socialize and share their knowledge and experience with others.
The doors are always open for anyone wishing to join in on the activities and projects that the club members participate in. (Some fees may apply). This is the place where, “You are only a stranger once.” New faces, ideas, and thoughts are welcome with open arms. Drop in to see us soon!
If you are 50 years of age or older and would like to be a part of an enthusiastic group of people, you have the opportunity to participate in all activities that are sponsored by the club. Want to be an active member in your community? YOU can become a member by dropping into the Centre and filling out an application form for membership (Most members have joined before they retire). Membership is only $20.00 per calendar year. Membership meetings keep everyone well informed as to all aspects of the club and also provide a forum for seniors to get information on issues and concerns. Monthly meetings with members and guest speakers provide a time for members to spend time together, meet new friends, socialize and perhaps renew long-term friendships.
All members are encouraged to volunteer in any aspect of the club’s social functions, like fund raisers, Teas, Luncheons, Saturday Night dance food preparation, Reception, convening an activity, and various other opportunities they feel they may have a talent for.
WE ALWAYS WELCOME AND APPRECIATE OUR VOLUNTEERS – That is what makes our club so great!
This club has thrived over the years as a result of community members that believe a nonprofit organization/facility for seniors is a high priority in our society. Without donations; this club would not exist today. Your donations are valued and encouraged. The following is a list of suggested donations. When offering a donation please include your name, address, and phone number unless you wish to remain anonymous.
Greeting Cards: Christmas, Birthday, Thank you, Bereavement, Congratulations; Get Well, & others, preferably with an envelope.
Books: Paperbacks and audio books.
Playing Cards: Like new complete packs.
Jewelry: Costume or otherwise.
DVD’s, VCR movies, CD’s: In good condition.
Christmas Decorations: No trees or faulty lights.
Glassware/China: With no faults.
Puzzles: Complete with no pieces missing.
Small Toys: Dolls, & safe items.
Baked Goods: For our Spring/Fall Bake sales.
Knitting Yarn/Wool: Any amount, any kind –
Help us to help others to stay warm. Our Club is also a member of the Older Adult Centres’ Association of Ontario (OACAO)
e-Transfers are now accepted.
Some of our WEEKLY activities:
Yoga – Tues afternoons 1:30 pm with Cathy
Friday morning 10:00 am with Kathy
Saturday Night Dances with bar.
Bid and Regular Euchre, Cribbage, Bridge and Darts
Fun & Fitness – Mon./Wed. afternoons
Line Dancing – Mon. evening
Floor Shuffleboard – Tues